Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Jan 1 2014

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 Wow My very first post in 2014... Everything is still the same. My sister took these pictures for me on Christmas. You see that red sweater I'm wearing I found it when I was cleaning out my closet ( I'm so proud of myself I clean out my closet last week.) I got it so long ago from the Thirft Store and forgot about it.  It's a nice sweater I love it.  Wow the year 2014 I think it's going to be good.I dont really have any goal... but to enjoy life, get out more, and SAVE! haha I'll talk later


  1. Awesome sweater & coat! Good job cleaning out your closet, that is always a daunting task. I think having less goals for the year is a good thing, because then you have less to be stressed over :D
